Year 1 & 1st Summer Abroad

Spring – CHIN 212



Prepare for Summer Abroad

Food costs: $800 – $1,000.

Take Proficiency Exams

Your cohort will be taking the OPIc and the STAMP Reading / Listening Exams.


Year 1 Spring Test Sign-ups (on-campus)


Year 1 Spring Test Sign-ups (off-campus)

Submit Flight Itinerary

If you have not done so, now is the time.
See section above for instructions.

Safety & Security Webinar #1 (all students going abroad on Flagship funds)

Students must participate in a Flagship Safety and Security Presentation to participate in summer
overseas and the Capstone programs. This presentation may be attended in person or via webinar.

Safety & Security Webinar #2 (ROTC Cadets Only)

Cadets and midshipmen who will be attending Flagship overseas summer or Capstone programs must
attend one additional safety briefing. This will address issues relevant to cadets and midshipmen and
will be done via webinar. More information will be provided to programs with Flagship cadets and

Sign up with STEP

Sign Flagship Scholarship Policy Doc

We will prompt you to sign the Flagship Scholarship Policy Doc, which must be done each time you receive Flagship funding when traveling abroad.

Accept Summer Scholarships

Accepting Summer Scholarships
