SA App Instructions – UMCLF Taiwan Study Abroad at CCU

  1. To begin the UM Study Abroad Application, visit the following URL:

    If the link above does not take you directly to the Chiayi, Taiwan program, do a “simple search” for “Taiwan”, and then look for the program called “Chinese Flagship in Taiwan“. Make sure the location is indeed “Chiayi”.

  2. Click Apply – Register using your … email address (again, do NOT try to register with any other email address, or it will create administrative chaos for you and us later).
  3. Note: if the form indicates (falsely) that you are under 18, you may need to wait until the following day so that the system can access your current birthdate in the UM database – a good reason to get started on the form early.
  4. $100 application fee: Yes, you do have to pay this fee.  It is, however, part of our program cost estimate. You are to pay this charge when it hits your University of Mississippi bursar’s bill.

Please submit this short Google form for our records:

SA Application Submission Form