Year 1 & 1st Summer Abroad

Fall – CHIN 211




Progress to Date



Toward Major

CHIN 111 5
CHIN 112 5
CHIN 211 5
Total 15* 0**

* Subtract credits for any courses you skipped
** Courses begin counting on the 300 level (usually fall of sophomore year, or CHIN 313 for Flagship students)

Most Flagship students will earn 10 credits in Year 2, 9 credits in 2nd Summer Abroad, 10 Credits in Year 3, and between 4 and 12 credits during Year 4.
This is more than the 30 required for the major (only 15 may be earned abroad).
If you skip ahead in Flagship, attend a non-credit bearing program for 2nd Summer abroad, do a semester abroad instead of a summer, or otherwise deviate from this usual plan, make sure to count your credits in advance, discuss them with our director, and have them documented on a Study Abroad Course Approval Form before going.

Add/Change/Remove Majors, Programs, Goals, Extracurriculars

Look back over the semester and gauge your own progress and level of interest in each of your classes so that you are able to make a decision at the end as to whether to continue with your current plan or make a change.


Take note once again of special requirements in the Flagship Academic Standard for attending our Shanghai Universty program, and plan accordingly.

IMPORTANT: Inform us of any changes in your plans, even if they are not directly related to Flagship.
We have to submit reports to our national office with statistics on how many students are in each major, minor, special program, etc.