UM Intensive 3-Week Program at Shanghai University

A rigorous, engaging summer program designed to expose students of Chinese at The University of Mississippi to the country and culture of this challenging but rewarding language.

Program Dates

Three Options

We are currently seeking feedback from interested students on the following 3 proposed time windows. An “Interest Survey” has been sent to each student’s UM email account with prompts for your preferences and feedback.

Option 1

5/15 – 6/5

  • Pro: (possibly) cheaper airfare if a large group leaves together from Oxford and has the same itinerary. Also, the summer is less split-up, if you have other work/study/travel plans.
  • Con: The Beijing trip could not be scheduled for the last week because the Dragon Boat Festival (May 29-June 2) will severely impair transportation

Option 2

5/22 – 6/12

  • Pro: the Beijing trip can occur after all classroom activity is complete. There is a little time to decompress after spring semester before flying to China.

Option 3

6/1 – 6/21

  • Pro: The dates fit nicely within 1st Summer Session, in case you plan to do May Intersession and/or Summer Session II. Interference with the Dragon Boat Festival is also minimal.


All participants must meet the following eligibility guidelines.

Each participant must be:
    • A UM student who is enrolled for CHIN 112, 202, 302, 402, etc. during spring of 2017 (see us immediately if you are unable to take Chinese this spring).
    • Enrolled and receiving credits through The University of Mississippi, but this should not pose a problem, even to seniors.
    • Committed to the educational goals of the program. While there is a tourism component, students will spend 4 hours per day in the classroom for 10 days.
    • Meet the GPA and other requirements set out by the Study Abroad office
    • Endorsed by their current UM Chinese teacher.
    • In possession of a passport that is valid until at least May 15 of 2018 at the time of application (contact us immediately if you have none, or it is out of date. Students tend to put this off, and it creates a great amount of stress for them and us if it is not done by early spring.

Program Costs

Total estimated cost for tuition, housing and fees for Summer 2017:

      • Tuition and fees: Approximately $2,965* (this includes the China visa**, but not any costs associated with obtaining or renewing a passport)
      • Airfare: $1,750 (an approximation, taking into account rising fuel prices.)
      • Food: $210 (approx. $10/day, although you may spend more during the Beijing trip and in airports.)
      • Plan on spending another $250 in personal, miscellaneous expenses.
    • *The final per-student cost will depend upon the total number of participants.
    • **The China visa cost estimation assumes that you allow us to submit your application and receive the discounted price offered by our agent.

Application Process

      We will release application materials in early spring. First, we need your feedback to ensure that we have a critical mass of interested participants. Please check your UM email account for an “Interest Survey” from our Chinese Flagship Manager, Nate Flake (nateflag at gmail). Please write him if you cannot find the form in your inbox, spam, etc.
